Line into segments



Line into Segments

Modify > Drafting Aids

The Line into Segments command converts a selected line into the indicated number of equal length segments. The original line can be converted, or an identical line placed on top of the original and converted.

To convert a line into segments:

Select the line to be converted.

Select the command.

The Line into Segments dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Place loci

Places loci at the segment divisions

Break Line Into Segments

Creates segments from the original line, converting it; deselect to place loci only

Leave Original Line Intact

Retains the original line, and creates segments from a copy of the line

Number of Segments

Specifies the number of segments to create

Set the parameters and draw either a new segmented line or convert the selected one.

Creating single lines

Creating double lines

Create dividing lines


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